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Re: survey of who is doing what jewish music

Dear Ari and all,
        I am a p/t cantor who plays a pretty poor keyboard, but my true 
love is choral music and harmony.  In the past I have sung in the CCA choir 
and I will be singing IYH, with the KAJ (Breuer) Choir in their upcoming 
concert. (more to follow.)

        I love modern jewish music (starting from Carlebach to Rabbi's Sons 
to Messengers, etc.)

        I like some of the old-time chazzanus, too.

        Klezmer is ok with me, but I'm no maven.  I am surprised at how 
klezmer dominates this listserve.  I had no idead it was so popular!  What 
happened to the fans of other forms of JM?  I guess it's because klzemr is 
what's happening and the other stuff is fairly stable?

        I like the Israeli style line dance music that gets played at 
contemporary weddings.  This might be a 1st or 2nd cousin to klezmer.

        Back to choral harmony.  I've recnetly acquired several CD's of 
Lewandowski and his genre.  The music is heavenly. But even my old vinyl 
Moshe Kousevitsky has a harmony of Mimkomo Hu Yifen (musaf kedusha) that is 
divine.  And what about Yosselle Rosnblatt's choral pieices including 
Areshes Sefosaynu and Lishmoa el Horino? Oscar Julius has some great stuff 
and we did several meddley's compsed by P. (pesach?) Sokolow that were 
brilliant - some yiddish and Chasidish medley's that take you back to the 
old world just as quickly as a klezmer clarinet.

        The performances of the Zamir Chorale that I've attended were a lot 
of fun. 

        And it's a genuine privilege to have worked over the years with 
Seymour Silbermints.  He's outstanding!

        And Leon Berger's choir as done some arrangements including 
Novkowski (sp?) that are outstanding!  The Hashem Zechoronu is truly 

        There is a very rich world of Jewish music out there, including 
klezmer and beyond klezmer.  Much of it has been recorded and much of it 
has not.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: survey of who is doing what jewish music 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate 
Date:    2/11/98 8:54 AM

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