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Re: Kol Isha

I think this is one of those mean spirited posts over which you were
I am deeply offended that it made it to the list.


Trudi Goodman wrote:

> Here's the deal and here's the dance. As a woman performer I refuse to
> abide by Kol Isha. I consider it a man-made law and not a G-d made
> law. When people, particularly men, who have a vested interest in
> wanting to keep women in their place religiously and culturally start
> siting law to substantiate their views...well all I can say is there
> isn't any reason why people should put up with it.
> If you can show me that HaShem doesn't want women to sing around men
> and male children.  That HaShem has actually leaned into your ear and
> told you that for an absolute fact...then I'll listen.
> Otherwise, it's just speculation.  And I refuse to believe that HaShem
> would want half of society to not fulfill themselves creatively and
> personally in any setting.  HaShem is all about love NOT
> narrow-mindedness.
> I grew up around Orthodoxy and Chassidism...when there is a woman
> rabbi and/or cantor in those reigious traditions then I'll actually
> feel like I want to listen to this type of woman-hating. woman
> adversation behavior masquerading as religious thought. And address
> it!
> Hey if the men don' like the women's voices WHY DON'T THEY GET UP AND
> LEAVE???
> Darned presumptious to think that a woman OUGHT to!
> Hey, there's a reason why some people, myself included stopped
> addressing the Kol Isha issue on this's not my experience
> that this issue will be resolved. It hasn't been in the Jewish
> community, specifically or at large.
> Shalom,
> Trudi Goodman
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