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Re: Fw: Kol Isha

a) Neshama doesn't only perform in the Orthodox world.  And when she does, 
she doesn't "have" to; she chooses to.  Sometimes, btw, for audiences of 
only women.  And sometimes not.  Sometimes for mixed audiences at Orthodox 
shuls, as I've advised before.

b) Neshama identified herself to me as "absolutely" (I think that was the 
word--or equally strongly) Orthodox.  I don't know that you do her or other 
Jewish women, Orthodox and otherwise, any honor by feeling "sorry" for them. 
  Such an expression, I think, usually serves the function of inflating the 
virtues of the speaker than of conveying genuine compassion.

--Robert Cohen

>     I have all 4 of Neshama Carlebach's recordings and have seen her in
>person several times.  She has a wonderful voice.  Personally,
>I feel so sorry for her that she has to perform in the narrow Orthodox
>world.  If her secular music takes hold for general audiences perhaps
>she will be able to break free from the problems that we have in the Jewish

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