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Re: Performance insurance (the Aust. experience)

TTova wrote:

> I wonder if as in other things this is a distinctly American issue?...
> or perhaps it is a sign of things to come?

In Australia, the public liability issue has exploded.  A recent increase in
claims, and rapidly increasing payouts have resulted in huge increases in
public liability insurance premiums as the insurance companies have
collectively rushed to protect themselves.  Australia is probably only some
10 or so years behind the U.S. in becoming a very litigous society.

Many tourism activities (even non-extreme activities), community groups
(including sporting clubs) and volunteer organisations (including surf
life-savers) have been crushed by six to ten-fold increases in insurance
cover.  The numbers of stories of incident-free and claim-free operations
facing closure or severe limitations on their activities caused a public

Governments have recently stepped in to place caps on the amounts of payouts
and have made frivolous and vexacious claims much more difficult.

However, during the last 2 years, for the first time, we have faced (a
minority of) gigs where insurance of $10mil cover for each and every
performer has been required.

My cover now costs me (Aus)$265 (about US$345 on today's rates) for cover of
$20mil.  The insurer is keeping things simple by only having one level of
cover, and the $10mil was becoming a limitation for some policyholders.  The
cover protects me worldwide except for... the US and Canada.

For performers (of all sorts) resident in Australia, check

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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