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Re: Performance insurance

I've run into this a few times. You can get  coverage for a single performance 
but its usually rather expensive, by contacting a broker who deals with basic 
liability insurance for businesses, or you can contact a businessman who 
already has such a policy and ask to "use" his or her policy. Usually liability 
coverage is relatively cheap. 
   The coin of common wisdom is that when a caterer or hotel asks for proof of 
insurance they are discouraging bands or providers from competing with bands 
and others that they have agreements with, that would be restraint of trade and 
is illegal but is very hard to prove. 
   Explain the situation to your client and pass the cost to them. 
    Often after demanding this proof the house neglects to actually confirm 
coverage and you just walk in with out coverage and play the gig. If you have 
some brass bluffing can work, but if push comes to shove ya need da policy or 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: LevineLM (at) aol(dot)com 
  To: World music from a Jewish slant 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 10:03 AM
  Subject: Re: Performance insurance

  I'm sure all shuls  have  insurance, but perhaps some don't want to have to 
deal with a suit if someone, say, trips on a musician's wire (G-d forbid!). For 
whatever reason, some of them in my area (NY/NJ/CT)--and particularly fancier 
hotels and catering halls--have been requiring proof of insurance certificates 
(of caterers and photographers, as well). 


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