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Re: Performance insurance

When I  last played at Faneuil Hall a few years ago, the Rouse corporation
required that each performer carry a  $2 million dollar policy to cover
the corporation in case of - anything. A bit steep, I thought, for a solo
acoustic hammered dulcimer act.

When they first required insurance,  I went to my usual insurance agent and
asked her about coverage. She said she could sell it to me, and that it
would cost around $650 per year. I pointed out that this was more than
double what I was then paying through her office for car insurance. She
agreed that it was. "So you're saying that I'm more than twice as dangerous
with a hammered dulcimer on the sidewalk, as I am with a ton of steel
hurtling down the interstate at 65 mph? I guess I'll take that as a

 I kept shopping, and found that many of the FH performers were insured
through one Al Fellerman, as part of a group policy for "Clowns of America."
I became an honorary "Clown of America," and the cost of insurance was then
$95 a year for $1 million coverage. If you need affordable insurance it may
be worth looking into becoming an honorary clown. In any case, it's worth
the time to get several quotes.


>> no presenter I know would make the hired help bring their own
>> insurance
> Same in Europe.
> CD

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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