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Re: Performance insurance

Dawid & Moericke wrote:
> > no presenter I know would make the hired help bring their own
> > insurance

What hired help?  You're a business.  It's one thing if they hire you
as a workman to sing.  If you are a business (and hopefully you 
are organized as some kind of limited liability entity, for your
own sake), you are a contractor.

What will you do if the catering hall sues you?   If the people who
hired you for thier simcha sue you?  You're not going to rely on them,
are you?

Addriene's example is a perfect case?  What if that poor waitress had
suffered permanent deafness from the speaker incident?  Hardly the
catering halls or simcha organizers fault - not that that would stop
a case from being brought against them as well.

Do you drive without insurance?  

While its true there is a lot of stupid litigation, it is also 
surely incumbent on us to protect ourselves in case our actions
or lack of action lead to a real loss.   Hopefully you have not only
insurance but some kind of limited liability entity as well so the
guy who does trip over that mic cable doesn't get your house.         

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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