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Re: Hazanim in NYC w/ tradl Nusach

on 9/10/02 9:26 AM, Inna Barmash ibarmash (at) Princeton(dot)EDU at
ibarmash (at) Princeton(dot)EDU wrote:

> Jonathan,
> I myself enjoy listening to Joseph Malovany at the 5th avenue synagogue (e.
> 62, btwn Fifth and Madison), but I don't know that much about traditional
> nusach. Can someone comment on how traditional Malovany is or any other
> thoughts?  And while we are on the subject, can someone recommend other
> places in New York area to hear great cantors?
> Best wishes for the holiday,
> Inna

Malovany has good Nusach. Sherwood Goffin is good at certain aspects of
Nusach, but does a lot of songs too. Probably the best "old school" Chazan
in the city is Ben Tzion Miller, in Beth El of Boro park.

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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