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Re: Hazanim in NYC w/ tradl Nusach

Allen, did we ever figure out if your father sang at my shul?

Anyway, what about that wonderful piece from the 1920s (?) where the 
chazzans audition, each from a different European country and tradition, 
and they end up picking the Jazz singer?


Allen Davis wrote:

> My father (Ben Davis) was a yontoivim chazzan, with interviews and 
> auditions every year at small, semi-starving shuls in South Phila. I 
> accompanied him to some of these, and young as I was, I still remember 
> the shameful way he was treated. I watched as he forced himself to 
> smile through the abuse and insult (and praise, almost simultaneously!).
> If "Chasendl oif Shabbes" is the positive view in song of this 
> auditioning process, does anyone know whether there is a negative view 
> featured in Yiddish song?
> Allen
>> Cantors in NY have not often had a golden age.  My uncle, Dr. Samuel
>> Margoshes (who is best known for his dailty front-page column in Der 
>> Tag),
>> was a co-editor/author of a book that described in detail the Jewish
>> community in NYC in 1917, when all but 2-3% of the synagogues were 
>> Orthodox.
>> A chapter by a cCantor is sad.  He described how it was the regular 
>> practice
>> to ask Cantors to audition for a position, without pay, and repeat this
>> weekly for as long as months before hiring one, who they might then 
>> fire in
>> less than a year.  It is no wonder that those who could took their 
>> talents
>> to the theater.

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more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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