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Re: Hazanim in NYC w/ tradl Nusach

Last time our shul was looking to hire a rabbi I was able to borrow a 
copy and show it to the search committee at its first meeting.  It 
was a good lesson in how not to behave.


At 7:12 PM -0400 9/11/02, Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:
>That's the one I was thinking of!  I've never seen it, but I've heard it!
>Joe Kurland wrote:
>>A khazn af probe (Chazzans on trial), an 11 minute Yiddish film, 
>>starring Cantor Leybele Waldman, made in 1931 with outstanding 
>>music by Sholem Secunda.  Waldman plays the narrator as well as 
>>three different khazonim trying out before a disrespectful search 
>>committee.  First he plays an old fashioned Eastern European ba'al 
>>tfile, second a German Operatic Cantor, and finally, an American 
>>dandy who, in the words of his manager, can " give you a Kol Nidre 
>>mit a two-step melody, who'll say Haleyl mit a ragtime melody; 
>>he'll daven Unesane Toykef mit a Charleston melody." While the 
>>first two khazns sing, the committee members smoke, make faces, 
>>look bored, though at least one committee member is totally 
>>enthralled by the performance.  But when the third khazn throws 
>>some boop-boop-be-doops into Yismakh Moshe, the committee members 
>>all get up to dance with him and sign the deal.
>>The film is available on videotape (I think you can get it from 
>>Ergo Media) as an intro to another, full length, movie about a 
>>radio advisor that is unremarkable except for Waldman's incidental 
>>appearances as a khazn who performs on the radio.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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