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Re: Hazanim in NYC w/ tradl Nusach

Hi Irwin,
You might be interested in the article I've circulated for the last 10 
years (not formally "published" in magazine, though portions of it have 
been quoted in books).
I attach it both in WP and MSW (3 versions, electronically, 
altogether).  Let me know if you can't open any,  and if you can, any 
Shanah Tovah,  Jonathan

At 07:13 PM 9/10/02 +0200, you wrote:
> > I myself enjoy listening to Joseph Malovany at the
> > 5th avenue synagogue (e. 62, btwn Fifth and Madison),
> > but I don't know that much about traditional nusach.
>While Malovany is certainly a gifted singer, he's at
>his best on stage accompanied by a big symphony
>orchestra. I'd say he's more a concert cantor than a
>ba'al tefilah.
> > The Orthodox Chazzanim I have spoken with tell me
> > that everybody wants Carlbach, period. I wonder if
> > that is true.
>Well, it is true. Probably 80% of the Orthodox public
>prefers a Carlebach style service with heavy emphasis
>on unison community singing. And in Reform circles,
>they prefer to sing school camp music in the style of
>Debbie Friedman, accompanied by a guitar.
>Recently, Samuel Adler created quite some commotion, by
>daring to write the following in a Reform quarterly:
>"Our religious establishment has joyfully embraced the
>sound and the spirit of popular culture, and the
>musical sounds pouring forth from our pulpits are
>either Chasidic ditties, written for people who are
>musically illiterate, or pop-sounding songs written by
>musical amateurs to make our congregants feel 'warm'
>rather than get the spiritual high that would result if
>they were ever confronted with great music."
>Gemar Chatimah Tovah,
>   Irwin Oppenheim
>   i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

Attachment: NUSACH-ART.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: NUSACH-ART-MSWord.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Reclaiming Lost Heritage.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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