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Re: Dancing

There have been numerous comments on dancing. While I have never been 
to a shtetl and didn't grow up doing this dancing, the dance leading 
that we've done in the Wholesale Klezmer Band works very well without 
direct instruction. I think this is key to getting people up to 
dance, as they don't feel any "performance pressure." One of us is 
usually out there with the dancers to model the style. Simple walking 
or step-together-step does well for the circle, and we demonstrate 
various things to do for shining...and then the dancers do their own 
movements, which rarely look out of place.

I find that, when I'm in a situation where there is a lot of 
instruction, dancers tend to do "follow the leader" and don't do 
their own movements. When this goes on for too long, I find myself 
feeling claustrophobic and leave the circle to look for people doing 
something looser. This works better in smaller circles. Everyone may 
do the same steps for a time, but it is much easier to switch to a 
different step as another dancer initiates one, in a smaller group. 
This creativity is quite delightful, and   one is able to follow 
changes in the music.

As I think about it, when a small group (up to a dozen dancers, for 
example) does the same step together for a while, you get into a 
trance-like state, which is great. But that doesn't happen in a large 
circle. I guess there is the possibility for the smaller circle to 
have a certain rhythm or pulse that works with the music. I don't 
usually feel that in a large circle. I'll have to observe this 
phenomonen some more.

I consider us to be the most successful when teenagers get into the 
dancing. At a recent bas mitzve simkhe, 70% of the guests were on the 
dance floor, dancing joyfully, and I saw some teens gingerly move 
onto the dance floor. The next time I looked at them, they were 
dancing with simple steps in a small circle, totally 
un-self-concious, smiling happily. What a treat to see this.



Peggy H. Davis Calligraphy
Wholesale Klezmer Band

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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