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Re: Fw: Dancing

I'm so glad to see Steve Weintraub on the list.  I watched him lead
so much dancing at klezkamp and really enjoyed seeing the slow graceful
dancing he so often modelled.

I no longer join the dance at most simchas I attend because it's 
that frantic running in a circle thing (that leads to chairs)
and my body isn't up to the retreated impacts.  

But Steve's dances were so graceful that at one point (I suspect
right after that shot of Slivowitz) I actually joined in for
a few minutes.  I'm hoping to have a chance at a future Klez K[amp|anada]
to take his classes, which I did not do this time around.


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

Az mir vil shlogn a tsimbl, gefintmin a shtekn.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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