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Re: Germans and Klezmer

>I don't know Aufwind either but I've
>heard "character references" I respect 
>so I'm reasonably sure that it was not 
>their intent, but if you attempt to describe 
>an Aufwind with a hand gesture, you get a
>Nazi salute. Could it be an "in" joke, 
>coincidence, a Nike endorsement, who knows?
>But if they want to play Jewish music, the 
>coincidence is grotesque. Music macht frei 
>und Schweigen ist Tod, indeed! Jewish 
>musicians aren't immune from unfortunate 
>coincidences either. 

Dear Leopold,
Aufwind chose this name when their original band name was forbidden by a 
totalitarian regime. "Aufwind" was the name of an instrumental composition 
from of one the group's friends - they just had to pick something, and they 
weren't mainly performing Yiddish songs at that time.
Aufwind is deeply rooted in the German folk movement, which  -generalizing- 
originated in the 1920s Wandervogel movement - a lot of these young people 
became part of the resistance and ended up in the KZs too.

>I am not faulting anyone specifically, just asking for the sensitivity that, 
as much as it has been attempted, has not been sufficient.<

Since all this is about human beings, your statements will be taken 
personally by someone. I don't think it's possible to talk about a group of 
musicians without addressing individuals. It's you and me, no way to avoid 
If you want my music "out of your face", I can accept that and will respect 
But it naturally remains a personal matter.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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