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Re: Last response from Lori on this subject

Allow me to rewind:

Discussion was initiated re: theme of klezmer music
in a (Swiss) film without mention  of either"Jews" or
"Jewish music" -- which struck me as curious.

Nowhere have I stated that  Germans could not or
should not or musn't be allowed to play Jewish music;
I merely said that I had issues with this phenomenon.
So, apparently, have others on this list.

Chrisitan offered some thoughtful responses.
Monika  said: If I don't like it, I shouldn't listen.
Lori said: Let's not talk about this "emotionally-charged"
issue. This last remark made  me bristle because I view
it as an attempt at censoring what Josh said could be a
great opportunity for us all to increase our understanding
of one another.

At no time was anyone on trial.  A chat room in cyberspace
(one of thousands) is not the House UnAmerican Activities
Committee.  No one here has the power to imprison or
blacklist anyone.

Nothing in this world is devoid of "politics".
If a  simple loaf of bread could spawn volumes
of relevant commentary, how much more so
the relationship of German and Jewish artists
working in a shared medium in the aftermath
of the Holocaust?

My issue with Lori is a philosophical one;
it is not personal.  I regret that my comments,
admittedly strong, were hurtful.  What Ari called
"spitting" is for me merely "spirited discussion".
I  side with Josh who says, in essence,to keep it
real; "real", in my case, is not without
strong emotion. Whose feelings should I be
attempting to protect here, anyway, and why?

I wish Lori every success on her forthcoming tour.
I respect the fact that she has been in music for
the long haul and can now tour with her band and
make a buck doing so.

It has so far been impossible for me to detach myself
from thoughts and feelings born out of my family's

Believe me, I wish I could -- and that I could be someone
-anyone- else.



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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