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Re: Germans and Klezmer

My comments concerning this issue were intended not to insult anyone, but to 
suggest that music unites us all, even Jews and non-Jews, and we should think 
about why those who read this list in the first place are here.  I am quite 
put off by Wolf's hurtful comments.  He doesn't know me, but presumes to; he 
brushes off the fact that I have devoted my life to the revival of the 
culture of my fallen relatives for that reason, and that (anyone knows) it is 
not a living; and he even states that I am self-promoting.  He really, really 
doesn't know me, and I don't run to correct his cynical assumptions.  I 
imagine that I am not the first person who has had her essence misconstrued 
in this forum, but I cannot pretend that it doesn't give me pause about 
further involvement.

Maxwell Street

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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