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Re: Germans and klezmer

More two cents:
I think the issue of Germans playing Jewish  music can be put into context by 
remebering that historically European Jewish and Gentile musicians did play 
music together (think of Gypsies and peasants sitting in in Jewish bands and 
Jews augmenting Rom orchestras...) The fact that Germans play klezmer music 
is not such a big deal, after all they are no better or worse at it than 
bands from the U.S. or anywhere else.
It is what happens when that performance extends outward from klezmer music 
where deeper problems occur. What did send a chill down my spine on my 
numerous tours in Germany with Kapelye  (and also caused me to grit my teeth) 
was hearing German babyboomers performing songs like "Zog Nit Keynmol" and 
"Shtil di Nakht" Holocaust songs written in direct response to the policies 
of the performers grandparents, uncles and fathers. I will never forget 
hearing one, no doubt well meaning singer rendering the Partisans Hymn as if 
it were "Strangers in the Night" replete with offbeat finegr snapping! It was 
blood chilling.
It is this more troubling performance of repertoire which raises for me the 
ticklish issue of what, in my book, I call  "Cultural Ownership". Who has a 
"right" to sing this material? After all, when a German singer performs a 
song about "di soyne" (The enemy) might'n't he be talking about his Uncle 
Helmut or his beloved old Granddad? 
I don;t have a ready answer. Just a feeling....

Henry Sapoznik
"Klezmer! Jewish Music 
>From Old World to Our World"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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