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Re: schmaltz, pandering and Klezmatics

In a message dated 7/21/99 9:53:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net writes:

<< yes, you do Mike, and that's great, and all power to you. but that's not 
 primary responsibility of a concert artist -- unless he chooses it to be so,
 and can pull it off without violating the integrity of his concert art >>

Enjoying your arguments with me!!
You make some good points which, of course, I don't agree much with....but 
then my first post on the subject....I don't claim to be a Klezmer 
(or for that matter a musical) expert as many of you seem to be (this is 
statement of fact and a compliment, not a wisecrack as it could be understood 
to be.)

I can't grasp the notion that entertaining the audience is almost a 
by-product of the concert and not the goal. Would people return to see a 
performer more than once if they were not entertained the first time?  Sorry, 
if you folks feel that I am dense or myopic on this subject........

Could be that being a rather simple  simcha musician has it's 
of which being free of the almost arrogant attitude that you seem to 
attribute to the concert musician. 

Maybe (let's hope) we are having a semantics problem rather than a 
philosophical one!!!!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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