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Re: schmaltz, pandering and Klezmatics

speaking of truth in marketing, a cautionary tale. at my former shul,
the music director put together a Friday Night musicale of modern Jewish
music fromn the Eastern European  Classical School, meaning Schoenberg
and other atonal-polytonal composers.
Add di Goldene pave by  Hugo Weisga1 ( i told Weisgal that his music had
been the concession to popular taste in this program, and he looked at
me and said this is the first time that had ever been said about his
music) and some other obscure stuff, I think maybe a  String Quartet by
one of the St Petersburg School, and add to it readings, I swear this is
true, from the house of slaughter by bialik ( i seem to recall  " they
raped her while she was dying they raped her when she was dead..." )
and then he sent postcards in russian to the immigrant community
promoting a Salute to Eastern European Jewish Culture.
I tried to talk sense into him about lightening it up, but he was
adamant.  I decided to bow out and only daven Maariv.
well sir, nearly  1000 people showed up. By the end 300 were in the
Shul, the rest were in the halls talking loudly and complaining.
high culture or not, it was an unfair promotion and both sad and funny.
to my discredit i found it one of the funniest nights of my life. the
audience was so hostile that the singers started fiddling with the
change in their pockets and you could hear it rattling during the
so beware, there are worse things than people not coming. they could
come and hate it.
jonathan g

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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