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RE: schmaltz, pandering and Klezmatics

> In the last 18 months a couple of "name" Klezmer groups have
> performed in our
> area and both concerts were less than favorably received, and
> both "enjoyed"
> tremendous bashing in the community following the events.
> Both groups, names are unimportant, contain world - class
> musicians and their
> music is beyond reproach. Both groups, however, failed miserably
> in  bonding
> with the audience.   They both played what they wanted to play

> and did so
> nicely), but it wasn't what the audience wanted to hear. .....nothing
> recognizable to these folks in the audience who are not Klezmer

I think that promoters have a responsibility, too, to program the right acts
for the right venues and audiences, and/or to do whatever they can in their
power to let people know in advance what to expect. If you know yo'ure going
to have an audience that isn't willing to stretch their imaginations enough
to incorporate -- for example -- what Brave Old World does into their
ill-conceived, pre-conceived notions of what "klezmer" is (of course, if BOW
isn't klezmer, then what is?), then don't sell BOW to them as the klezmer
they're hoping for. Get them Mandy Patinkin or the Mazeltones (no judgment
cast on either of these).

--Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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