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Re: List of Top 100 Jewish Music Stores and resources

Bob--If you wish to send me a list of the LPs you're looking for (did you do 
this already, to the list?), I'll look out for them--I do lots of LP hunting.  
But please e-mail or mail to me (again, at rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com, _not_ 
via "reply" to this address), not to the list--as I'm sure the list has already 
followed up on this.

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998 14:24:26   robert wiener wrote:
>Those of us in the group now know that you, Simon, and Larry are
>excellent sources for Jewish music.
>Even so, an annotated list of local Jewish Music Stores can still
>serve a number of functions.  We may want to find out about stores
>that others on the list like (with information on such things as
>selection, knowledge & personality of owner(s), ambience, prices, even
>location, phone number, URL, hours...) for the following reasons
>(among others):
>1. Convenience.  Quick source for those top 100 titles.
>2. Browsing.  Some of us may still do this for recreation.  (Note that
>the web site is browsable too with lots of recorded
>3. Surprise.  Discovering Jewish music stores that you didn't even
>know about right in your back yard.
>4. Recommendations.  Now we can answer friends and family when they
>ask, "Where can I get Jewish music where I live?"
>5. Travel.  Where to go when we're on the road.  Perhaps some local
>stores are also more likely to carry product (e.g., local klezmer
>bands) that is different from our regular sources.
>6. "Oddball" products.  I guess that I fall into this category.  After
>about 25 years of collecting, I have a list of about 50 recordings
>that are specifically Jewish (mostly on LP) that I know I would like
>to own and do not.  (And that's only the ones I know about.)   Perhaps
>I should post them and ask for the help of list members.  In the
>meantime, it would be great to find out about those "few stores in the
>country that have eclectic assortments of product that has accumulated
>over the years".   What is old and just so much garbage for the
>vendor, might be of value to someone far away.  Perhaps there are a
>few others in the group who also would like to know about these
>stores.  But surely this is not the prime reason why the group may
>continue to develop such a list.  (In any case, thanks to Judy Fertig
>et al, we know about libraries that may have these hardest to find
>recordings of Jewish music.)
>I hope that you feel that we have been making an appropriate use of
>your list.
>And thanks for your additional comments on distributors and the ways
>of the Jewish music wholesale/retail world.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mayer Pasternak <mayer (at) jewishmusic(dot)com>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Date: Sunday, December 20, 1998 11:18 AM
>Subject: Re: List of Top 100 Jewish Music Stores and resources
>>There is an inherent problem with what you are trying to do. You seem
>to be
>>looking for sources of "oddball" products. The average judaica shop
>at stops
>>the equivalent of top 100 recording while the better ones (there are
>10 in
>>the US) stock 200 - 500 titles. For the most part they are all
>getting most
>>of their music from about 7 distributors in the US. There are a few
>>that take product on consignment from local artists. But by and large
>>best way to get specialty items is from the distributors direct
>>catalogs or on the web. Anything that they do not carry you will need
>to get
>>directly from the artists. There are a few stores in the country that
>>eclectic assortments of product that has a ccumulated over the years
>both I
>>am unaware of any that are computerized or have a catalog.
>>The following are the major distributors in the US that sell retail
>and have
>>the largest selections that you are looking for.
>>Tara -
>>Soundswrite -
>>Hatikvah (Simon) - only via email - Simon has loads of eclectic stuff
>>wont find anywhere else
>>Hataklit - they have a website predominantly Israeli products
>>Sisu (Kol Ami) - there website is sparse and they
>dominate more
>>in videos
>>Aderet - they have a retail that is predominantly Frum or
>>orthodox music
>>Sifrutake - they have a selection available on the
>they have
>>a retail store in Brooklyn
>>Sameach - is the other orthodox distributor and they have no retail
>>Virtually all the jewish music getting into the stores - are through
>>companies and the odds of finding other products on a consistent
>basis is
>>hit or miss. It is true that most of the Judaica stores can get
>>anything through these distributors - they sometimes do special order
>>products for customers - but many of them do not stock the products
>>sell one or two copies a year for the specialty buyer.

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