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Re: Holiday Music


Thanks for the tip.  I'm always on the lookout for sources of Jewish music
and this sounds like a good one.  Around New York City I've visited West
Side Judaica (Manhattan) and Eichler's (Brooklyn and Manhattan).  I wish I
knew of good sources for used recordings.

Is there any list of sources of Jewish music (recordings and music, in open
shops and by mail/internet order) on the internet or in print?  If not, is
there any interest in us creating such a list informally (as we did for
Jewish music libraries) by mailing in recommendations with name, address,
phone/fax/e-mail, hours(?), description?

Certainly if we can encourage stores to sell Jewish music there may well be
an increase in exposure, an increase in awareness, an increase in demand,
and an increase in the opportunities for those involved with Jewish music.

There is an amazing amount of music with special meaning to Jews  out there
already and more being created every day, much of it by list members.   We
learn about alot of it from each other in the group.  If only it was even
easier to find.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Heckert <heckertkrs (at) juno(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Holiday Music

>Rezyl & Chevra,
>>There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If
>you know of any, I would love to know about them.
>I don't know about secular stores, but Chassidic and ethnic Orthodox
>bookstores have quite a range of music for various holidays, including
>Purim and Simchas Beit HaShoeivah/Sukkos, although it's almost entirely
>in Hebrew or Yiddish.  There's a store devoted to recorded music in
>Brooklyn - Mostly Music, 718-438-2766, 4805 13th Avenue.  I'm sure they'd
>be delighted to ship, and they might even have a catalogue.  I've been
>there and yes, they do speak English, despite being in Boro Park!  :-)
>Also, you can check Tara Music's homepage - they might have something.
>Rochel Sara Heckert
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