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Re: Holiday Music

Rezyl & Chevra,

>There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If
you know of any, I would love to know about them.  

I don't know about secular stores, but Chassidic and ethnic Orthodox
bookstores have quite a range of music for various holidays, including
Purim and Simchas Beit HaShoeivah/Sukkos, although it's almost entirely
in Hebrew or Yiddish.  There's a store devoted to recorded music in
Brooklyn - Mostly Music, 718-438-2766, 4805 13th Avenue.  I'm sure they'd
be delighted to ship, and they might even have a catalogue.  I've been
there and yes, they do speak English, despite being in Boro Park!  :-)

Also, you can check Tara Music's homepage - they might have something.

Rochel Sara Heckert

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