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RE: Holiday Music

Lomir redn fun yidishe muzik, nisht goyishe muzik. Lozn di goyim redn
fun goyishe muzik.

Let's talk about Jewish music, not non-Jewish music. Let the non-Jews
talk about non-Jewish music.

Ruvenl (Dick) Rosenberg
>From:  Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky[SMTP:reyzl (at) flash(dot)net]
>Sent:  Wednesday, December 16, 1998 8:35 AM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:       RE: Holiday Music
>Who is being judgemental now?   This may very well be true.  You don't know
>and I am just starting to find out.   It's most plausible.   Let's wait to
>From:  Enitt (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:Enitt (at) aol(dot)com]
>Sent:  Wednesday, December 16, 1998 2:20 AM
>To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
>Subject:  Re: Holiday Music
>When we start talking about a candy cane's red stripes representing the blood
>of Jesus, we have collectively gone over the edge...

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