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RE: Holiday Music

As I said, one or 2 or even 4 records don't make a category for store owners, 
certainly not for the large stores.


From:  Judy Fertig[SMTP:fertig (at) brandeis(dot)edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, December 16, 1998 9:24 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  RE: Holiday Music

I don't know whether it counts as a category or not... but there are (or
were on LP) holiday recordings specifically for Purim and other holidays
from Hed Artzi.  I have some Purim recordings at home and will recheck this
and email numbers off list if you're interested. Check their catalog.

>Other than Passover and Yomim Noraim, Jews neither produce and nor seek to
buy records for specific holidays.   And Passover and Yomim Noraim are each
too tiny a category to count.   Most of them probably get grouped as
"cantorial".  Because of Christmas, assimilated Jews look to buy holiday
records for the season, or else Jews and non-Jews seek to buy some
"holiday" appropriate gift to give or play where they need it for a variety
of reasons.   So record producers create these records for people looking
for season-related material.   But it's a relatively small category.  
>There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If you
know of any, I would love to know about them.   So would a whole bunch of
Jewish educators.   They usually settle for a song or two.  You may find
one or two records, if that many, but that doesn't count as a category, so
the "holiday" category doesn't apply too well.  Hanukah records are
produced only for Jewish children as far as I know.  Never seen one not for
children.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong.  Jewish record
producers want to put out their material early in December, but they don't
expect their clients to look only for Hanukah music, because they know that
their clients are looking for anything distinctly Jewish in the Christmas
season.   Any Jewish record will serve as an appropriate gift for Khanukah.

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