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RE: Holiday Music

OK, now please answer honestly.   Is the music on them really good music.   I 
know a lot of beautiful Yiddish and Hebrew Hanukah songs, but are there are any 
in English?

Are you sure that that the Hanukah songs are not just products produced to sell 
during this season rather than quality material gathered for this occasion?   
Heard Jon Simon perform and was most unimpressed.   How many songs on Jagoda's 
album actual Hanuakh songs?


From:  Menuhah (at) aol(dot)com[SMTP:Menuhah (at) aol(dot)com]
Sent:  Wednesday, December 16, 1998 8:20 AM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:  Re: Holiday Music

<< There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If you
know of any, I would love to know about them.>>

Actually there are quite a few albums of Purim songs out there and maybe I
know them because i am a Jewish educator.  

<< Hanukah records are produced only for Jewish children as far as I know.
Never seen one not for children.  Someone please correct me if I am wrong.  >>

Jon Simon, who plays piano in a jazzy style, has an album of Hanukkah tunes
 as does Flory Jagoda whose band plays Ladino music. There are probably more
but those two come to mind since I own them.


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