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Re: Holiday Music

Rachel Heckert wrote:
> Rezyl & Chevra,
> >There are no Shavuos, Purim, or sukkos records, as far as I know.  If
> you know of any, I would love to know about them.
> I don't know about secular stores, but Chassidic and ethnic Orthodox
> bookstores have quite a range of music for various holidays, including
> Purim and Simchas Beit HaShoeivah/Sukkos, although it's almost entirely
> in Hebrew or Yiddish.  There's a store devoted to recorded music in
> Brooklyn - Mostly Music, 718-438-2766, 4805 13th Avenue.  I'm sure they'd
> be delighted to ship, and they might even have a catalogue.  I've been
> there and yes, they do speak English, despite being in Boro Park!  :-)

As only an indirect plug for myself (grin), I'd also point out that
Jewish bookstores that are not "Chassidic or ethnic Orthodox" -- mine,
for instance, which has a very egalitarian and progressive bent to it
(though we have customers at every level of Jewish observance) -- also
carry material of this sort.  It's true that I don't see many recordings
for Sukkot or Shavuot other than "Orthodox"-produced material, but there
are quite a few recordings of music for Shabbat, Purim, Pesach, and the
High Holidays, as well as a number of children's albums that cover the
entire holiday cycle.  Debbie Friedman, Cindy Paley and Rabbi Joe Black
are just a few names off a list of dozens of artists who do Jewish holy
day music, whether for children or adults, whether from an "Orthodox" or
a "Reform" perspective (although I tend to dislike such labels myself).

Larry Solomon   shlomo (at) apk(dot)net
Proprietor, Merkaz Judaica, Woodmere Ohio

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