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Re: dead (wild) horses couldn't stop ...

on 1/21/04 8:40 PM, Shirona at shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net wrote:

Hi Shirona

> There are new ideas whose time has come, and there are old ideas whose
> time has past.  It took a civil war for slavery to be abolished, it took (I
> don't know how long) for women to get the right to vote, and one day all
> forms of Gender Apartheid will fade into HIS -STORY.  One day in the

I truly look forward to that day! I can't wait for us to get there soon
enough. I'm not just sitting around on my tuchus waiting for it to happen,
I've been actively working for years towards this eventual goal. I believe
that if we're talking serious tikkun olam, this is among THE big issues.


Seth Austen
email: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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