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Re: dead (wild) horses couldn't stop ...

In a message dated 1/20/4 9:41:14 PM, judithc (at) yorku(dot)ca writes:

<< aren't Jewish women singing part of Jewish music? whether or not men 
listen to them?
(was it Bertrand Russell who asked, if no one hears a tree fall in a
forest, has it fallen?)

If Betarand Russell wants to listen to trees fall, that is his business, but 
I don't believe that men should have to listen to a tree fall just because the 
tree insist on falling. Then on the other hand, if it's only a sapling, the 
issue then becomes.."Is this really a (full term) hasn't even 
developed buds yet?"  
  What about a bush? It doesn't really fall, it rustles, of course unless 
it's from Texas where it tumbles--or from Mt. Sinai where it burns!
(I had to do that to make this mishugas "Jewish").

I think we are treading on very delicate ground here since trees have male 
and female buds....believe me, you do not want to tackle the issue of whether 
is permitted to listen to a Female tree, let's put another log on 
the fire.

Back to the thorezine!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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