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Re: dead (wild) horses couldn't stop ...

At 08:40 PM 1/21/04, Shirona wrote:
>Next I need to correct Sam.  The titling of the first email that started
>this KI round was not "gratuitous" - it was deliberate.

Exactly my point.  "Gratuitous" does not mean unintentional.  The posting 
was ostensibly about Afghanistan, but was titled to re-open last year's Kol 
Isha discussion without any obvious reason to do so at this time, other 
than the fact that last year's discussion was not resolved to your 

>And to assume that no one "advanced their knowledge on the
>subject" is presumptuous too - I for one DID. I'd like to believe that
>others did too.

I said there was no advancement of our knowledge of Afghani or Jewish 
music.  We did indeed learn about synagogue protocol, advanced Talmud, 
erotica, reproductive biology, the Halachic process, Nietzsche...  among 
the ones that escaped my Delete button.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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