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Re: klezmer experience

> prediction:  twenty years from now (if not sooner)
> there will be gospel
> hip-hop.  probably is now, for that matter, but we
> have been mercifully
> spared to this point.

actually hip hop is one of the few musics to have
cropped up, and while being openly secular and sexual,
never failed to acknowledge and appreciate their own
gospel roots. an early example of this is madonna's
like a prayer video. newer stuff includes cuts on
R.Kelly albums that sound like typical r'n'b love
songs but end up with "i love you lord", or this guy
kirk franklin and his "Nu Nation" stuff which is
exactly that gospel hip hop. 
the interesting thing is that no one in that musical
world thinks anything bad of it. unlike all these
people who think anything remotely contemporary that
is done by jewish artists (like dance of simches for
example) is evil.


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