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Re: klezmer experience

david lowther wrote:te.

>  It is not proselytizing, it is an affirmation that we are still
> alive, that our culture was not murdered.  Frankly, I would not only
> play it for messianic jews, but (and this is not intended to equate
> the two) even in front of antisemites.  I would dearly love to spend
> the afterlife forcing Der Heyser Bulgar and Der Triska Reb's Nign down
> dead nazi ear canals.  Bad klezmer, with a banjo maybe. And if that
> makes me a nasty, mean, spiteful old jew with no yiddischkeit, tough
> tsimmies. The above should not indicate that I personally would take a
> gig playing to messianic jews.  Probably, I would, and give them Fanny
> Crosby lyrics in a minor key.  The poor deluded schmucks may think
> they are not jews any more, but the proof that they are is that they
> still think of klezmer as their music.  Hitler considered Mendelsson a
> jew despite all of the poor boy's protestations, and ordered the
> gentiles not to listen to it!

Um, I would equate messianist Jews with anti semites.
If you have been paying attention, the point of their listeningt to
klezmer is to delude non mesianist jews, not because they consider
themselves jewish. Thjey are not deluded schmucks, they are dangerous
anti semites who want to see judaism eradicated.

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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