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Re: klezmer experience

On Thursday, September 4, 2003, at 08:11 PM, Shirona wrote:

> As musicians I believe we have a unique opportunity to rise above all 
> political and religious "agendas". 

Amen to that sister!

As a singer I  get to share my particular brand of Yiddish / Jazz in 
non Jewish venues more and more these days.
As a second generation daughter of survivors the fact that non Jews 
want to hear my take on this music makes me hopeful.
It is also a point of pride that Jazz stations are playing my Yiddish 
rendition of Cole Porter's NIght and Day- Tog Un Nakht for ALL to hear.

As a woman I am concerned about statements that Klezmer music is or 
somehow should be tied to more orthodox religious  thought.
At Askenaz last fall we played to huge crowds... Many were Jewish but 
more and more gentiles are there every year.
I do not want to keep this music in the ghetto

I am spiritual being but certainly not religious.
I love Yiddishkeit but have no place for dogma beyond traditions I love 
to share with my extended family.

And seeing a chassidic man in the crowd replete with Talis and Peyes 
dancing to my Yiddish rendition of Los es Shnayen, Los es Shnayen, Los 
es Shnayen made my heart skip a beat.

perhaps we are speaking a universal language after all :)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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