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Re: Partch (off topic)

on 3/13/03 10:58 AM, Alex Lubet at lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu wrote:

> I don't actually think you're disagreeing with me at all.  Everyone who
> records for CRI has to cover costs, which isn't unusual for a classical
> label, but it's still refereed, in that one still must be chosen.  I
> wouldn't be surprised if his self-production was financed by grants.  I'd
> also venture that a loyal following who loves his work enough to play for
> free is an indication that he transcended obscurity in his lifetime, like
> having a Guggenheim or a major professorship.

The impression I got from his biography was of obscurity for much of his
life, despite the Guggenheim or occasional fellowships. At one point in the
book, it talks of him finally getting a fellowship, besides a tiny office in
a University basement, he had little or no support from the institution,
major financial undertaking from his own pocket to ship his instruments to
the campus, getting axed after a year, etc. Perhaps it's just the normal
treatment for any composer! I wouldn't know, having never held a university
teaching position.

Seth Austen
email: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com

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