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Re: Yes! Judaism: A HEADNOTE

> > With what do you not agree? That you first have to
> > master the material before you can rise above it?
> That's one. Or are you really saying that the only
> good artists are the versatile, technically
> profiicent ones?

No, on the contrary. A basic technical ability is only
the starting point (As a singer once put it: If I had
no technique, I could only weep). It is a thorough
understanding of the musical content that is essential
for being able to express it in an interesting way.

> Or
> > that artistry is earned, not claimed?
> >
> And just who is the official judge of who has or
> hasn't earned the title of "artist."

That is your audience, I would say.

 Irwin Oppenheim
 i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

 Chazzanut Online:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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