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Re: Back to Earth..

    For all the Baal-Shem-Tov´s insights into
   the human and/or Jewish soul, he kept the
   laws. Laws! Yes, Jewish LAWS! Not rules,
   as in counterpoint, or taste, as in Maidele Spears.
   Judaism was and remains distinctly not a matter of
   personal discretion, but of communal obligation.
   A MITZVA means a commandment - MUST! Not a good
   deed, or keen innovation, no matter who decides
   to cast themselves in the hero role of their
   own liberation story.

I would caveat this (sorry) only to say that there *is* room for innovation
in Jewish law--though some of the custodians of Jewish law maintain

The history of Jewish law, I think, shows otherwise, however.

But this is really for another thread, on another list.

--Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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