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Re: kol isha in action/re-action

Dear Lorele:

 It's my feeling that this issue of Kol Isha will continue to be raised until it is resolved. 

 It reminds me of when Women first started being ordained as Rabbis and Cantors and there was this huge tumult from certain sections of the Jewish Community. Well, the women(and people who love and respect women)kept pushing for women in the Rabbinate and it happened.  Of course, I know Ultra-Orthodox men who will never accept that women are religious leaders.  It's truly their loss. I know about all of the arguements in favor of Kol Isha...and they are just nonsense! 

Truly,  G-d does not discriminate!  It's too bad that some people try to put HaShem in that position in order to justify their small-mindedness. I grew up around Chassidim. I love and respect them and other Orthodox Jews...but how as a woman could I ever respect women being thought of this way? Gornichts! 

What can you do???  Keep making noise! Especially wonderful "noise" like singing!!!

 I think they did this dirty deed when you weren't around, because they knew what a fiesty and intelligent(not to mention talented)Jewish Woman you are...and they didn't want your opposition!

Hey, maybe these Rabbis' wives would like to come in their place? It's seems terrible to waste tickets for a good cause??? (Please note my irony)...and that way you could sing(Please note my total sarcasm and disgust, here).

P.S. Lorele: NEVER apologize for "venting". It is only through noise and activity that the World changes!!! -So keep making lots and lots of noise!!!





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