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making lots of noise...

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Trudi Goodman wrote:

> P.S. Lorele: NEVER apologize for "venting". It is only through
> noise and activity that the World changes!!! -So keep making
> lots and lots of noise!!!

Dear Trudi,

The problem is that we all together could make so much
noise, that no one would hear each other anymore! I'm
afraid that that is already starting to happen at the

As a musician, I've learned that hitting a note really
loudly, will only have the intended effect if it is
surrounded by some pianissimo; otherwise my singing
would lack any nuance.

In a topic that is so sensitive as "Kol Isha," it is of
utmost importance not to loose the nuances in the
discussion, if you wish to achieve anything.

After a search on the Internet, I found two
suitable discussion lists on which this debate could be
developed further:

- soc.culture.jewish
This is a moderated usenet group, that's dedicated to
Jewish culture in its broadest sense.
It's archive is available at:

- kol-isha
Another shamash discussion list, which seems to be
dedicated exclusively to this issue. Archive:

I sincerely hope that these notes were helpful.

 Irwin Oppenheim
 i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

 Chazzanut Online:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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