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Re: (OT?)"G*d does not discriminate"? (Was: KI)

>Truly,  G-d does not discriminate!

I don't know how Trudi knows this, or what Jewish texts and traditions
support it; but as I'm writing on Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night), it seems
appropriate--if, no doubt, not worthy of extensive discussion here--to note
that G*d--at least, the G*d of the Torah and Jewish tradition--does indeed
make distinctions, which is presumably embedded in the notion
of "discriminating."

"Havdalah"--the traditional ceremony ending Shabbat and differentiating it
(see above, re:  distinctions) from the rest of the week,
mean "separaztion."  In the core and concluding blessing of Havdalah, we
acknowledge that G*d distinguishes (and, indeed, praise G*d for
distinguishing), among other categories, between Jews and non-Jews.

Without such a distinction--or "discrimination"?--there would be no Jews,
no Jewish people, no Jewish music, and, hence, no list.

In any case, the deeper point is, I think, that G*d, the Creator
and "Supreme Being," can, by definition, create whatever universe, with
whatever distinctions or "discrimination," G*d wishes.  Otherwise we have,
not a Supreme and ultimately unknowable Being, whose ways are by definition
not fully understandable or knowable, but (as per Marx, I suppose), a G*d
created, or conceived, of in our--or Trudi's--liberal image.  That is, by
definition, not G*d.

Shavua tov to all,

Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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