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U. Davis web, Sephardic songs

Thanks for pointing it out, Judy. Anything masterminded by Sam Armistead, the 
great dean of Sephardic (and medieval and Spanish in general and other things) 
is more than welcome, and this of course even more than more. 
Sam is also a wonderful person, by the way, and was the impetus for my going 
from medieval studies (I read a book of his, wrote him a fan letter and he 
ended up the outside reader for my master's thesis on Jewish, Muslim and 
CHristian women musicians in medieval Spain; he then pretty much propelled me 
into Sephardic music studies).
A story about Sam:
years ago, my old Moroccan Sephardic group Gerineldo did a gig in San Francisco 
and Sam came down from Davis to introduce us at the concert. It was a Saturday -
 the concert was after sundown, but Sam arrived during the afternoon. Two of us 
in the group were non-observant and two were observant. Sam"(who is not Jewish) 
grinned at us all and said, "so - you want me to be your Shabbes goy?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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