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Zilberts cello pieces [was:Song Translation]

At 06:49 AM 11/15/02, R Locker wrote:
>...Many of you really know your stuff and put to shame
>someone like me who merely loves the music and emotions inherent in it.

Pardon me while I get up on my little Rokeach kosher soap-box...
Ever since I attended my first Klezkamp a dozen years ago, it has been one 
my abiding interests to bring the riches of Hassidic and liturgical music 
("Khazzones") to the attention of aficionados of secular Jewish music, 
precisely and only for the "love of the music and emotions inherent in 
it."  I struggled to find ways to break down the ideological Mekhitza that 
deafened Jews to their own musical heritage.  I am proud of the small 
contributions I have made in this regard over the years, and I am thrilled 
to take note that a world-class musician like Mr. Locker has discovered 
some of these treasures.  If I had his CD then, you can be sure that I 
would have featured it in my KK class last year.  And here's a shameless 
plug for this year's class on "Tradition in Yiddish Folk Song."

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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