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Song Translation

I wonder if anyone would care to try translating these Yiddish lyrics from
the song HAVDOLO by Zavel Zilberts. The lyrics  are fragmented in such a way
as to make it difficult for me (as a non-Yiddish speaker) to decide which
syllables go together but I've made my best effort. Hope this is the correct
forum for the question.

HAVDOLO  (from volume 3 of Great Jewish Classics-Tara Publications

Hi ne el jeschuosi
e Vtach vlo efchod
ki osi vesimras jo Adonoj
vaj hi li li-schu-o

Usch a vtem ma-im  be-so son
mi ma ne hajschu-o
La-do-haj schu-o al am cho
bir-cho se cho se-lo
Adonoj zvo-os i-mo-nu
mi sgav lo-nu
se lo

La-je hu dim hoj so o-ro
v,sim cho vi so-son vi-kor

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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