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Re: music and mitzvah

Perhaps, then, you should read the posts fully before replying to them.
That comment was in one of my posts, but not in that context. I was fully
expecting someone else to use that argument, after I had stated that I
went to a reform wedding where vows were exchanged. This was after people
incredulously and self-righteously posted that jews don't exchange vows at
weddings, which is clearly not true in the real world, regardless of what
traditions may or may not dictate (traditions don't matter in the
context of a band planning music for a ceremony). Therefore, I included
that line to preempt a flame war.


On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, jonathan gordon wrote:

> i am deleting many old e mails, and chanced to read the words that "reform
> jews were not practicing jews." say what? what do you think reforem jews did
> and do in their synagogues? belive it or not, reform jews have always had
> the fantastic belief that they do practice judaism, as against say, secular
> or unaffiliated jews, to say no more.
> jonathan gordon

Jeremy A. Schiffer
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Columbia University
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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