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Re: mitzvot music

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Ms. Cat wrote:

> Well, that seems a bit scanty evidence to make sucha
> claim.

I'm not sure what claim you think I was making. I was just providing
evidence that _some_ Jews do include vows in their wedding ceremonies, and
(what I thought was a funny anecdote) about a Catholic wedding I attended.

There's nothing anti-jewish about vows
> (although Jews are discouraged from making them
> because they're so serious, a wedding would certainly
> be an appropriate place for them) they're just not
> part of the wedding ceremony, so I would have trouble
> figuring out how you would know how to program music
> for them, since I suppose they could be inserted just
> about anywhere, and take any amount of time.

Exactly. That's my whole point. There's no way a musician could
intuitively know, so you have to talk to the participants ahead of time to
figure out exactly what they are planning (and expecting) for their
wedding. This is the _only_ point I've been trying to make with this


Jeremy A. Schiffer
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Columbia University
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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