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Re: Where are you from?

I was born in NY and lived in the Boston area (Newton & Brookline)
until my aliya in 1971 after graduation from Maimonides.
My family is a musical family. My grandfather, H.Leon Masovetsky, was a
chazzan in Winthrop, MA for over 40 years and after his aliyah he was
chazzan at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem for a year.
I have always sung in choirs, the Young Israel of Brookline choir, Zamir
Chorale of Boston and the Tel-Aviv
Philharmonic Choir where I met my husband.
I have a BA in Musicology from Bar-Ilan University and a degree in library
science also from Bar-Ilan. I still sing here and there (folk, Hebrew and
some Ladino (thanks to the influence of this list!) accompanying myself on
the guitar.
I have been working at the Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library since
December 1975. For those of you keeping up with the news from Israel,
tonight's bombing was at the cafe on the corner of Bialik and Allenby
Streets; the library is on Bialik St.
Each time it hits a bit closer to home. On Friday, 2 of my children went
to funerals. My 20 year old son (he went into the army 3 weeks ago) went
to the funeral of 4 family members of a friend of his (the Gavish family
of Elon Moreh, mother, father, brother and grandfather). My 15 year old
son went to the funeral of his classmate's father who was the manager of
the Park Hotel in Netanya where a suicide bomber blew himself up among 250
people who had just sat down to the seder. That's what my children are
doing on their Pesach vacation.
I wish you all a peaceful Pesach.

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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