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RE: Where are you from?

  I grew up in Midwood, Brooklyn, New York City (Andy Statman's current
neighborhood) and now live in Spuyten Duyvil, the Bronx, NYC.  (BTW, I
believe that Ari and I were in the Junior Year Abroad program at Hebrew
University in Jerusalem the same school year.)

  Bob Wiener

  I've enjoyed this thread and wanted to thank Bob for getting the ball

  I've lived in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts for the last 25
years or so (with brief, year-long stints in Israel and Manhattan in the
early-mid 1980s). Mostly in Williamstown, but more recently in Great
Barrington, where we've been for the past year and where we'll be probably
for the next 8-10 years or so.

  In keeping with the Andy Statman orientation, I was born and lived in
Jackson Heights, Queens, for the first few years of my life, which is Andy
Statman's original neighborhood.

  Then, like George's family did to him, my family ruined my life by moving
us out to Long Island, but even further east than George, all the way out to
Bay SHore and then Islip, in Suffolk County. I've never forgiven them.

  Fortunately, my grandparents and cousins mostly stayed put in New York, so
I had plenty of doses of the old country on visits to their places.

  Our plan is to move back to the old country (New York) (my wife was born
in Brooklyn but grew up in Boston) after the kids are grown and out of the

  --Seth Rogovoy

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