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Re: Where are you from?

And I thought I did that because I was a neurotic Manhattanite.

George (". . . but which book should I take with me today?") Robinson

Trudi Goodman wrote:

> [Image]Na...if you're part Litvaker like're still thinking
> about leaving the house and the metaphysical ramifications of that!
> Trudi Goodman, here...from Boston, MA. The land of the cod and the
> bean...and the green bagel!
>  My background is Spanish, Italian, Portuguese , Gallician, Russian
> and Lithuanian and Latvian. I also(as some of you know) am part Irish.
> My great grandfather James Nathan Bornstein, was an Irish orphan,
> abandoned on Jewish people's doorstep(who adopted him) in London,
> England 1870s.
>  So, I'm a Lepracohen! And a Heinz 57 Jew...
> I'm always thrilled to find out that so many different kinds of people
> love Yiddish and Jewish music. It positively makes my day, year, and
> millenia!
> Love and Chocolate Covered Matzoh,
> Troods
>  >From: itzik gottesman
> >Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >To: World music from a Jewish slant
> >Subject: Re: Where are you from?
> >Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 07:32:14 -0800
> >
> >Re George Robinson being "half a yekke" -
> >what do you get when you cross a yeke with an East European Jew?
> >Someone who comes exactly one hour late. - Itzik
> >
> >---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >---------------------+
> >

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