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Re: Where are you from?

I'm yet another denizen of Skokie, IL - but my story is rather short.  I have lived here all my life (the past 18 years), and plan on attending Northwestern University in the fall  (yes, I am provinicial!).  I'm absolutely meshugah about Klezmer and have been playing saxophone and singing in Lori Lippitz's Junior Maxwell Street Klezmer Band for the past seven years. I have also played in numerous simcha bands.  So anytime anyone passes through this area, feel free stop by and we can jam...chag samayach to everyone! 


Rachel Weiss

bluejew (at) hotmail(dot)com

>From: MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Re: Where are you from?
>Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 22:43:20 EST
>It's hard to separate my bio from my band's--"Max" will always be my first
>I am Lori Lippitz, wife of Marc Chinitz and mother of Kayla Renee, 3 y.o. We
>live in Skokie, Illinois. I grew up in Evanston, was an anti-war
>guitar-playing folkie in the 1970's, and attended the U. of Michigan where I
>received a double major (Russian and English Liturature), and then the U. of
>Chicago, attempting to get a degree in Slavic Languages and Literature.
>Fortunately, I am not good at things that are not the right career choices,
>and I left academia to work for the Reform Movement as an director of liberal
>student activities on Midwest college campuses. (The Reform Movement put
>some effort into doing outreach to its college students who often drop out
>when they find Hillel is not an extension of NFTY). I also began to serve as
>a cantorial soloist in the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston.
>During this time (early 1980's), I continued playing music on the
>side--American, Russian and Yiddish folk music. My sister introduced me to
>some musicians who wanted to start a klezmer band and I began to research
>music for them, but I soon decided to start my own band when my style and
>vision clashed with theirs. I was primarily influenced at that point by the
>Klezmorim, and was looking for a saucy, big-band style of klezmer music based
>on the early American recordings. My other concept was to reintegrate
>klezmer music and traditional Jewish dances back into local simkhas, and
>eventually did spearhead what appears to be a permanent interest in the
>klezmer bar mitzvah/wedding in the Chicago Jewish community.
>The band commenced on a mixture of hometown performances and occassional
>tours, producing a CD every six years or so (the first recording was an LP,
>actually). In 1990, the musical direction was taken over by violinist Alex
>Koffman, who used his classical and Jewish music experience to polish the
>band into a professional ensemble.
>The current band feels like it could be called Maxwell Street: The Next
>Generation. Some of us (the original members) are now in our 40's and 50's,
>and we have attended band member funerals in the past few years. But there
>are also new players in their 20's joining the crew, which bodes well for
>those of us who no longer aspire to four-gig weekends. As for me, I gave up
>my pulpit after ten years in order to have shabbat meals at home with my new
>family, and have also cut back on gigs in order to do deskwork for the band
>and concentrate on touring and recording. From both my kids (MAX and Kayla)
>I shep much nachis.
>(Keep up the good work, Ari! How would we do this without you?)
>Lori Lippitz (Chinitz)
>Skokie, IL

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