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Re: Kol Isha becomes a reality

At 10:24 AM 3/27/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>I do hope Shirona takes these people to small claims court. If they had any 
>>sense of justice or fairness--or courage--, they would have asked the 
>>aggrieved brother-in-law to stay home.
>>Eliott Kahn
>since this was a simcha for the family, i do not think it would have been 
>appropriate to ask the man to stay home.  It would have been much better to 
>have taken his sensabilities into account BEFORE making the arrangements.  
>if this was then an oversight, it would have been menschlishkiet, to tell 
>her that they would not be able to have her perform, pay her for her 
>commitment and move on.

But by taking the family to small claims court, Shirona is helping 
establish a precedent that current interpretations of halakha that
cause a family to renege on a contract must be treated as reneging
on a contract--this may help in the process of rethinking interpretations
that lead to "Kol Isha". When something is understood to have 
ramifications to the financial well-being of both the performer
and the contract-breaker, it has a different meaning than some
abstract sense that a woman's voice singing leads one astray.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

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