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Re: FW: kol isha

In a message dated 2/21/01 6:40:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, reyzl (at) 

> And why should it not be?  Why should any man be able to sing and dance 
> where ever and when ever he wants, be he spiritual or not, and a woman, no 
> matter how spiritual, simply because of her gender, is not allowed to? 
>   When you have Orthodox congregational leaders telling a woman singer who 
> is to perform for women that they will not advertise her concerts, in case 
> a man might be tempted to go it, why does the women's anger surprise you? 

It doesn't, and I don't necessrily disagree with your point. From having gone 
through the posts so quickly,  you probably did not catch that this was a 
response to a different question. (Having to do with identifying a particular 
POV with Halachic, Orthodox, and Conservative)


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